seeking Sonshine
"The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world."
Psalm 19:1-4 (NIV)
I wish my bandwidth would allow for sharing more glimpses of God's creation in Papua New Guinea screaming to the glory of our Creator. I suppose that I will have to try and find the best ones to share.
Here is the view out of my dining room area:
Not quite what you had expected is it? My view is initially a bit cluttered.
1. A few metal bars in the way. I'd like to use them to represent fear. Fear is one of the first things that clouds us from seeing God's Hand at work in our lives. It's hard to do it, but the reality is that I believe fear is pride. We think we can do things or protect ourselves better than God. We think we know more than our Creator?
2. Laundry. This laundry is clean, by the way. :) But just for the sake of the analogy lets pretend the laundry that is blocking the incredible view is not. We let our past failures keep us from seeing God at work. We place our own limitations on God sometimes... telling Him that because we aren't enough that He cannot accomplish something.
Here is the view past the fears and failures:
Pretty incredible, huh? It struck me this morning how many times we ignore what is God is doing in and around and through us, but with a little effort to see the reality of His existence what a beautiful view is awaiting us all.
Now it's off to try and get the wet laundry dry... Seeking Sonshine in all things today! :)
the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world."
Psalm 19:1-4 (NIV)
I wish my bandwidth would allow for sharing more glimpses of God's creation in Papua New Guinea screaming to the glory of our Creator. I suppose that I will have to try and find the best ones to share.
Here is the view out of my dining room area:
Not quite what you had expected is it? My view is initially a bit cluttered.
1. A few metal bars in the way. I'd like to use them to represent fear. Fear is one of the first things that clouds us from seeing God's Hand at work in our lives. It's hard to do it, but the reality is that I believe fear is pride. We think we can do things or protect ourselves better than God. We think we know more than our Creator?
2. Laundry. This laundry is clean, by the way. :) But just for the sake of the analogy lets pretend the laundry that is blocking the incredible view is not. We let our past failures keep us from seeing God at work. We place our own limitations on God sometimes... telling Him that because we aren't enough that He cannot accomplish something.
Here is the view past the fears and failures:
Pretty incredible, huh? It struck me this morning how many times we ignore what is God is doing in and around and through us, but with a little effort to see the reality of His existence what a beautiful view is awaiting us all.
Now it's off to try and get the wet laundry dry... Seeking Sonshine in all things today! :)
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