Why Bible Translation
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My name is Sara Driggers. I am a wife, mother, sister, and friend... but before I am any of these things I am a child of God (Galatians 4:7). Princess to the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Yeah. That may sound a bit pompous, but I am bragging on my Savior! I believe that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the only way to obtain salvation (John 14:6) and that faith comes by grace alone in Christ alone to the glory of God alone. I believe that the Bible is the living Word of God (Hebrews 4:12), and that Scripture is the sole source of divine revelation and the only inspired, final, and infallible authority for Christian faith and practice. I believe that through studying it's truths, spending time in prayer, and the other common means of grace, the Lord graciously provides for a relationship with Himself and His Church. He has redeemed my life that was once dead to sin and I now live robed in the righteousness of Christ!
I grew up a missionary kid. I have lived in bits and pieces all over the globe. The only life that I have ever known is one lived in direct exposure to the need to reach the lost with the Bible in a language and format that can be clearly understood. By God's grace, I was witness throughout my entire childhood to the power of the written Word of God in a person's heart language. Now, I am closing in on middle-aged, and God has brought all of these things full circle. God has prepared and equipped our family with gifts and talents that will, through His power, enable us to serve Him through missions. We are members with Wycliffe Bible Translators and have served in Papua New Guinea and are now in the USA where we continue to support the ministry of Bible translation.
Why Bible translation? The Bible is one of the oldest and most popular books of all time. But is it just a book, or is it much more? Romans 10:17 in the ESV reads, "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." Everyone should be able to clearly understand the Bible. But more than a 1,000 languages around the world are still waiting for a Bible translation to even begin and thousands of other language are waiting for access to the full council of Scripture!
When people finally receive the Bible in their own language, lives often change in amazing ways. People are transformed as they are drawn by the power of the Holy Spirit through the power of the Gospel to Jesus Christ and a rightly restored relationship with the Father.
That is why Wycliffe Bible Translators exists - to help speakers of these remaining languages obtain the Bible for themselves. And we won't stop until all people have all of God's Word in a language they understand.
When people finally receive the Bible in their own language, lives often change in amazing ways. People are transformed as they are drawn by the power of the Holy Spirit through the power of the Gospel to Jesus Christ and a rightly restored relationship with the Father.
That is why Wycliffe Bible Translators exists - to help speakers of these remaining languages obtain the Bible for themselves. And we won't stop until all people have all of God's Word in a language they understand.
Jesus said, "Go." (Matthew 28:19)
Simple, I think. Millions do not know the Gospel. The Bible in their language and in a format clearly understood is what they need.
The need is so great. Our passion and our calling are paired with that of the ministry of Bible translation.
Wycliffe missionary, Don Toland was preparing to leave his Papua New Guinea village when he was approached by a man who looked him straight in the eye and said, "I want to ask you a few questions." "Sure go ahead," Don replied. "How long have you had God’s Word in your own language?" "Ever since I can remember," Don answered. "How long has your father had God’s Word?" "All of his life." Don said. The village man then pointed his finger at Don and said, "How long has your group been in this country?" "Since 1956." Don replied. At this, the man raised himself to his full stature, punched his finger up toward Don and said, "Then why has it taken you so long to come to us?!?"