sink my muddy feet
Cool and gentle rain tickling my face and arms, giving me
chill bumps to refresh my spirit and remind me I am alive.
Excited droplets of rain dancing on thick banana leaves.
Flower petals laden, drooping shy in the storm and then… standing
tall again as the rains slowly end.
The musty sweet scent of wet ground radiating with new life.
A night sky coming alive as it is ignited by lightning
strikes. Again and again.
Tropical rain pulsating against our rusty tin roof, lulling
me to sleep.
The rains have returned.
At least to the little patch of planet Earth God has made
our home. The ground that was once split open by the lack of rain to reveal
deep hollows is now sloppy wet oozing mushy-gushy mud between toes. Previously
sun scorched grass crunched under the weight of any bare feet that braved (and
burned) upon it is now vibrantly green covering the ground like a lusciously
soft bearskin rug. Our local market was nearly bare, only offering a shrunken
version of produce ridden with wormholes, and is now full to the brim with fruits
and vegetables ripe with life and rich in seemingly every color of the
rainbow. The roads once loose with stones sliding out from beneath dust covered
feet and swirling rust colored puffs into the dry air as cars drove by are now sloppy
wet with puddles. For what was months on end, the sun or moon were the only objects
visible against the intense turquoise-blue skies of day and glittery starry skies
of the night. From horizon to horizon the skies were barren of clouds. And now.
Now dark clouds saturated with life-giving water almost daily roll in and
overtake the skies. Clouds that grumble and moan thunder and creep in to hide
the mountains that surround our home.
“The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and
strengthen your bones; you shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of
water, whose waters do not fail.” Isaiah 58:11 NKJV
The rains have returned!
The day before yesterday I walked through the gentle ending
of what had been a late afternoon rainstorm. The day had been sticky hot until
the heavy, dark clouds ushered in afternoon air thick with the scent of
tropical rain. The stretch of road in front of our home was slippery with thick
red mud and my flip-flops tried to jump out from under me with each step I
took. It was awkward and I might have squealed in fear of falling on my rear. (It’s
a completely justifiable fear by the way. Been there. Done that.) My wide
legged jeans were embarrassingly rolled half way up my calves - #UkaGlam- in
attempt to keep the fabric from being caked heavy with mud… and yet with each
step I cautiously took that mud still found a way to sneak up the back of my
legs! This now grown up grown older missionary kid who hates dirty feet
and appalls even the thought of mud nearing her sparkly painted toenails was
ever-so-carefully mud slinging, puddle stomping, flip-flops sliding her way
down the road.
And I faintly heard the Holy Spirit whisper to me about this
messy side of the rain. And how other messier parts of my life have mimicked
these returned rains.
More recently, my usually simple-thinking self has been
smothered by thoughts. Yes, thoughts. Thoughts that I have been thinking. To
put the ugly image into your head… It has felt like I am back in my serving
days (oh, didn’t you know that I was a waitress for 10 years plus?). My mind
has returned me a place where my arms and back are aching whilst attempting to
balance huge, heavy, awkward plates stacked haphazardly upon each other. Plates
overflowing and oozing. Yes, oozing, sticky messes of all sorts of big
emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally demanding things.
And so as I traipsed along my way, something about the
messiness of the rains that I have previously overlooked caught my attention.
I noticed, with newfound appreciation, how tiny yet swift
rivers carved out miniscule caverns along the puddle-infested path. And how
those streams exposed stones, glorious stones, as the water washed away dirt
and debris that once hid their existence from my eyes. I noticed how that dirt
and debris was slung about every which way (as I delicately held grasped
for dear life onto my oversized umbrella hopeful it would aid me in keeping my
balance). Amongst the groddy mess of mud and muck, those stones glistened as
the cool water washed over them. And they spoke to me (figuratively)!
“the stones along the road will burst into cheers” Luke
19:40 NLT,
The stones were cheering! In the middle of the mess, they
were cheering.
As they cheered, I was reminded of a song I love by Jillian
Edwards called ‘Sink My Feet’. These
specific lyrics came to mind:
If You are the rocks,
set my feet upon You
Never let me move
Keep me by You
I’d leave my fear
Not asking for
Just to keep me by
And sink my feet into
the stone
Guys, the return of the rains has brought fresh life back
again to our valley. The same life-giving rains have also brought back muddy
floors, dirty feet and dripping umbrellas. And those changes and transitions
and big life things the Lord has simultaneously allowed, have in the process of
it all, made life a bit muddy and messy too.
But God! But the same God who brought the rains ordained the
messy, sticky changes in my life and in me. I know He is trustworthy and faithful. So here in the
messier parts my heart will continue to seek to abandon fear and strive to be
unmoved from His side. Allowing the rains and changes of life to wash over my
soul and spirit and sink my muddy feet into the Rock that will never, ever be shaken.
“He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I
will never be shaken.” Psalm 62:2 NLT
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