point people to Christ

Point people to Christ. 

Sadly this is desperately missing within many evangelical spaces. We are most often pointed to ourselves in the form of self help or self awareness. But we desperately need something outside of ourselves to save us. We can't be the solution and the problem. 

Point people to Christ. 

Sadly this is often missed in the missional context as well. Missionaries often elevate their unique experiences above Christ. And we teach our missionary kids to worship their expanded worldview or trauma above Christ. (The church has been a participant here too... elevating the missionary to a place he / she doesn't belong. We've all heard it before, "I couldn't do what you do.") And lets not forget to include the mission organizations in the conversation here - there is a steep tendency to elevate the work of missions above Christ. 

I am completely certain that the intention to help is there. "Help" to attract people to the church. "Help" to love others by listening to their unique experience. "Help" to get the work of missions done. In all of these spaces, we frequently singularly point each other to love others by listening and validating... but that misses the point. Helping can hurt when we forget to keep the Gospel at the center. Actually, helping will hurt when we forget to keep the Gospel at the center. 

We bury people under good intentions. We bury people under the law - "do this and live". We bury people under their experiences and obligations. 

Point people to Jesus. 

It's time we stop assuming the context of the Gospel is at the center of our mission and vision and make it the center of our mission and vision. 

"I have glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work you gave me to do." John 17:4 ESV

"But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ - by grace you have been saved - and raised us up with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages He might show the immeasurable riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." Ephesians 2:4-9 ESV

Do you see what I see? Jesus accomplished the work of living the perfect life of obedience and dying once for His elect and has been raised, defeating death and sin. He sits (work completed) at the right hand of the Father, always interceding on our behalf. Our place is to receive His free gift of new life and rest in His completed work. Repentance and good deeds will flow from this place of rest.  

My opinion is that many churches and mission organizations have reverted to cultural tactics to get the work done and to attract people to the work. But why do we think that we can accomplish the work of God more efficiently than by His design? How arrogant can we be?

I am not saying we abandon strategy. I am saying we utilize His strategy. This is His Work... He simply, by His goodness and grace, has extended the gift of participating with Him in it. So, maybe we get back to the Word and take a step back from the flow graphics? Maybe we get back to worshipping Jesus and away from worshipping our experience? Maybe we rest in His character and filter what He allows and ordains through the lens of the Gospel?

Point people to Christ.

Point yourself to Christ. Always. And then again. We will never outgrow the need for the Gospel. Lets make it a central to the work of the church and missions. It must be. This is His work and His design. If we want efficiency, lets stop making the assumption that we can "help". Lets stop making the assumption that we can strategize a better plan. Lets stop assuming that we are pointing to Jesus without ever really explicitly pointing people to Jesus. 

The navel gazing feels familiar and comfortable for a while. I know. I have been there, this week especially has been an uphill battle, but it leads to misery and discomfort. Filter everything through the Gospel and rest in assurance and freedom.

Point people to Christ. And make sure you are one of those people.  


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