moody boundaries

“The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” Psalm 16:6 (NIV)

"As I’ve surveyed the path of my purpose, I’ve found myself wondering if another path would be better—if I am truly where I am supposed to be.

It seems I have struggled with every boundary, pushing against every fence God has ever erected in my life. Instead of seeing the place He puts me as a reason for my safety, I dwell on how it inhibits me."
Marybeth Whalen

I read this this morning. No mistake since I have been in "a mood" for the past week or so... and seem to be at the very "peak" of it today. I feel sad. Sad. Fighting tears sad. Does God really desire for me to be living out of boxes with no foreseen end to our current circumstances? Does God really desire that I am to live with my in-laws (when I am closer to 40 than I am 30)? Is this my "pleasant place"?

My heart has been sad because it's way past the time that we originally thought we could leave and now it's getting cold. I don't want to be here. I don't like the boundary that God has placed on my life right now. And I simply cannot find solace in anything except His Word...

I will never forget the work that God is doing in my life at this exact time in my life. I will always remember these days, weeks... months. Whatever they turn out to be. I will remember. And I wonder if one day He will show me what He was keeping us from... protecting us from...why He placed these boundaries in our lives.

So I will rest in His sovereignty even "in my mood". Because my attitude may change, but His goodness will never end. And because my inheritance is delightful.


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