Numbers 9

Read this.

Now. Did you read it? :o)

There are a couple of things that God really spoke to me about through this passage, and I just gotta share them with you.

1. Verse 4 "and they celebrated the festival there, just as the Lord had commanded Moses" God expects obedience. Now. And anything except obedience is disobedience y'all. Think on it... Really. God commanded them and they acted on it. Right away. Right then. When He said to.

2. Verse 11 "they must offer the Passover sacrifice one month later" God allowed more time for those who were not able to participate because of their original circumstances.  Wow! Grace is a powerful thing, eh? Still He demands obedience, but yet He gave them more time. What a powerful reminder to me especially. The Lord called my heart to missions years and years ago, yet it took me until May of 2009 to respond. His grace is amazing.

3. Verse 13 "But those who neglect to celebrate the Passover at the regular time, even though they are ceremonially clean and not away on a trip, will be cut off from the community of Israel. If they fail to present the Lord’s offering at the proper time, they will suffer the consequences of their guilt." Acting in disobedience to His commandments leads to nasty consequences. "Those who neglect - will suffer - the consequences of their guilt." Yeah. Been there and done that. Praise God for His perfect sacrifice in Jesus. I am no longer cut off as I deserve. He paid my price!! But still there are consequences for my actions... it seems that my struggles to "postpone" His calling have possibly extended my waiting? Just a thought.

4. Verse 14 "The same laws apply both to native-born Israelites and to the foreigners living among you." Uh huh. No one is exempt from His rules.

5. Verse 17a "Whenever the cloud lifted from over the sacred tent, the people of Israel would break camp and follow it." He leads the way. He knows where we are going. He has a plan. He goes before me.

6. Verse 17b "wherever the cloud settled, the people of Israel would set up camp" They went where the Lord led them... wherever.

7. Verse 22 "Whether the cloud stayed above the Tabernacle for two days, a month, or a year, the people of Israel stayed in camp and did not move on. But as soon as it lifted, they broke camp and moved on." They had to wait. When God had them be stationary - they did it - they waited. They did not move until He led them to the next place. But He was with them. And so I will stay where He stays. And I will go where He goes.

8. Verse 23 "So they camped or traveled at the Lord’s command, and they did whatever the Lord told them through Moses." No further explanation needed.

I love how the Old Testament speaks to my circumstances so directly. God's Word simply amazes me!! One last point: the passage begins with direct obedience and ends with the same... Repetition is a powerful thing. 


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