from "meh" to laughter

"in due time you will laugh"
Luke 6:21 NLT

I don't have oodles of time to write these days. Mostly cause my brain is just way too full of stuff to sort out my thoughts and make them understandable (even for me). But this is something I just HAVE to make sure to document.  Something I have to make sure to process and remember, and so I write...

Last year about this time life was pretty "meh". Yeah, lotsa tears, frustrations, and tons of unknowns. Don't get me wrong it wasn't all bad. I am not whining, but is wasn't the easiest or the most fun either. I think that is why "meh" totally describes the first half of 2012. God accomplished a lot in the "meh-ness" of it all, because He is always as work! (But those posts have come and gone for now though.)

Okay, so here's the reason I write:

Life isn't at all "meh" now. For so many reasons. One totally viable one is that we are just too dern busy to even think (busy cooking, encouraging, and toting kids around and about Ukarumpa!). But the greatest reason and the reason I fought through my crazy brain to pull these thoughts together is because of the reality that most of my days are now filled with crazy, insane, continuous, side-busting, tear-inducing laughter. God has given our family some of the happiest and most energetic kids on planet earth. Yeah, my hostel kids are better than your hostel kids. I won't mention names cause you don't know them and I am sure that is some sort of breach in the hostel mom confidentiality agreement or something. These guys brighten every single day (and that's important cause these days are long and hard and tiring and stressful!). But these days are grand no matter what, cause my reality is that days begin with laughter and end with laughter (there may be a few tears in the middle here and there). (Literally, that is what happened today!)

The bottom line is that God's Word is true. God's Word is hope. And that my hostel kids are better than your hostel kids. **smiling**

"God blesses you who weep now, for in due time you will laugh." Luke 6:21 NLT


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