holding peace

"The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest." Exodus 14:14 AMP

We had a slight security incident this evening when a stranger attempted but more importantly ~failed~ to walk straight in through our front door. Marty had just left with Taylor, Tia and Miriam, taking the girls to various places around center for evening events. Jade was a few feet from the front door and I was too, but in another room.

We called our neighbors to let them know of what happened, posted a security incident to our Security Operations Manager, and called the national security guards that patrol our center. No one was harmed and we are keeping our doors locked as usual. Jade is a bit shaken, but quite pleased that she can pick up the phone and call the security service only to have them appear from thin air within a few minutes.

In conversation with the national guards Marty has found out some local villages are fighting (a very common event in PNG) and many kids/ teens have been caught in the middle of the disagreements with no place to go. It is heartbreaking to us on one hand and yet still very angering on the other, especially since Jade is quite shaken by the event.

Within an hour after this event I ran across Exodus 14:14 and it struck me. Struck me that while God does the fighting for us, we are not to sit by unresponsive. We are to take action as well. Not to fight for ourselves... He has that covered! But that we "shall hold your peace and remain at rest". We have to acknowledge what He is doing and respond by holding our peace. Respond by remaining at rest!

Would you join us in claiming God's protection for not only our family, but for the surrounding villages in our valley? Only God can speak into the lives of those who are in disagreement, and bring peace to our valley.

Would you pray that God's Word would penetrate hearts and bring peace? Pray that all would acknowledge they must take action - not to fight - but to hold peace and remain at rest?

Would you pray also for sweet Jade? For God to use this evening to teach her to trust Him more, and to pray for those who are hurting around her?

He is able!


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