an invitation
Many times I believe that Marty and I are misinterpreted. I think that quite frequently people see our request for partnership as us asking for financial support. We struggle instead to communicate that we are not asking for financial support but through Biblical standards are instead INVITING others to share. Yes - share!! (Isn't that exciting?!) Share in Bible translation... it is so simple:
People need a personal relationship with Christ, and the Bible tells us who He is so that we can establish a relationship (not a religion!) with Him...
Millions cannot do this because they are Bibleless...
So God calls people. Simple and "normal" people who He equips with skills and the willingness to serve Him where ever the need is...
AND then the senders send the goers. (See - the senders SHARE OWNERSHIP of the task!)
The ultimate and eternal result is that the Bible reaches the Bibleless. Lives are changed for eterntiy.
Simple. So it seems. However we are running into one little problem. Just one small little detail... The goers don't go IF the senders don't send. We can't go without senders...
We invite you. Yes. This is an invitation. Please don't miss out on what God can and will do through your obedience. This is our invitation to share in what God is doing through Bible translation. Click here to partner through prayers, encouragement and your finances. God made us a promise in Isaiah 40:8 that His Word will stand forever. A simple sacrifice of a trip to McD's or your fave coffee can make an eternal difference in someone's life.
Please don't miss out. If God is leading you to share in Bible translation with us - now is the time! Marty and I are finishing training in less than two weeks and we have started our visa application process... the last and only thing that keeps us from beginning our work in PNG is monthly support. (And every dollar makes a difference. There is no gift too small. God will honor your giving. Promise.)
"It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field. You are God’s building." 1 Corinthians 3:7-10
People need a personal relationship with Christ, and the Bible tells us who He is so that we can establish a relationship (not a religion!) with Him...
Millions cannot do this because they are Bibleless...
So God calls people. Simple and "normal" people who He equips with skills and the willingness to serve Him where ever the need is...
AND then the senders send the goers. (See - the senders SHARE OWNERSHIP of the task!)
The ultimate and eternal result is that the Bible reaches the Bibleless. Lives are changed for eterntiy.
Simple. So it seems. However we are running into one little problem. Just one small little detail... The goers don't go IF the senders don't send. We can't go without senders...
We invite you. Yes. This is an invitation. Please don't miss out on what God can and will do through your obedience. This is our invitation to share in what God is doing through Bible translation. Click here to partner through prayers, encouragement and your finances. God made us a promise in Isaiah 40:8 that His Word will stand forever. A simple sacrifice of a trip to McD's or your fave coffee can make an eternal difference in someone's life.
Please don't miss out. If God is leading you to share in Bible translation with us - now is the time! Marty and I are finishing training in less than two weeks and we have started our visa application process... the last and only thing that keeps us from beginning our work in PNG is monthly support. (And every dollar makes a difference. There is no gift too small. God will honor your giving. Promise.)
"It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field. You are God’s building." 1 Corinthians 3:7-10
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