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point people to Christ

Point people to Christ.  Sadly this is desperately missing within many evangelical spaces. We are most often pointed to ourselves in the form of self help or self awareness. But we desperately need something outside of ourselves to save us. We can't be the solution and the problem.  Point people to Christ.  Sadly this is often missed in the missional context as well. Missionaries often elevate their unique experiences above Christ. And we teach our missionary kids to worship their expanded worldview or trauma above Christ. (The church has been a participant here too... elevating the missionary to a place he / she doesn't belong. We've all heard it before, "I couldn't do what you do.") And lets not forget to include the mission organizations in the conversation here - there is a steep tendency to elevate the work of missions above Christ.  I am completely certain that the intention to help is there. "Help" to attract people to the church. "Help...

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