faith like potatoes

Faith like potatoes?!

Our family had movie night tonight and this is the film that we watched. The trailer is a great explanation of what the movie is about... basically this guy goes mad, finds Jesus, lives through the craziest drought as a farmer, plants a potato farm as a testimony of God's provision during that drought, has faith that he will harvest, and gives God the glory when he does... it is a true story.

This is the testimony of my life today. Marty, the girls and I keep hanging on to our faith that God called us even though EVERYTHING looks bleak and hopeless. Our home is still not sold, our support is still low... we don't even know how we will pay our insurance premiums and sustain ourselves on a day to day basis, but we keep pressing forward. One day at a time. One moment at a time. Barely hanging on and waiting for our harvest...

It feels like torture, but I suppose that is what draws us into closer reliance on Him. We don't know what is unseen... what God is doing and preparing for us for our futures, but we know that He holds us in His hands. We know that He has promised us good. We know that He has given us hope for our futures. We know that He holds the cattle on a thousand hills... We know Him, and that just has to be enough... it is all we have.


  1. Your blog posts are amazing. I am so proud of you. Keep using your gifts with obedience and faithfulness and God will always be there as your source. I sure do Love you!


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