I believe Him

So be content with who you are, and don't put on airs.
God's strong hand is on you; He'll promote you at the right time. 
Live carefree before God; He is most careful with you. 
1 Peter 5:6-7 The Message

Who out there remembers Petra's song "Creed"? The words are something like this:
"I believe in God the Father
Maker of Heaven and Earth
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son
I believe in the virgin birth...
This is my creed
The witness I have heard
The faith that has endured
This truth is assured...
I will hold steadfast to this creed"

I was challenged by Beth Moore's "Believing God" Bible study last year when she wrote that it is not enough to believe in God... you have to believe God.

Believe that He is who He says He is.
Believe that I am who He says I am.
Believe that I can do all things through His strength in me.
Believe that He can do what He says He can do...

Somethings are easier to believe than others... do I take it all for complete truth? Do I believe even when it looks like what He says is true - doesn't seem to be? Is His Word my creed?

I cannot waver from the calling God has placed on my heart... where I will end up? Only He knows...

All I can do while I wait is believe. Believe that He is able to make a way. Believe that He loves me... Believe God.

Today He tells me that He will lift me up - in His time. Today He tells me His hand is on my life and that He is MOST careful with me. Most careful. Another day of holding to His promises has begun, because I believe Him.


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