trusting His timing

We can make our plans,
      but the Lord determines our steps.
Proverbs 16:9

Marty and I keep moving forward towards training in NC... we will find out this week if Wycliffe will grant their approval for us to attend even if we do not have our % to the half way mark (of course I still think that those #s can come in!!).

I am grateful that we do not serve a God of maybe's and what if's. He has things all set in order for us... He will not be surprised with what happens next. I read the other day in a devotional that because God's timeline is eternal He is never in a hurry... He has all the time He needs, and He has everything portioned out for us.

I wonder what lies ahead though. I am hopeful that we will attend training, but no matter what I still trust Him.


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