asking sentences

The other day I read a devotional about asking questions. Good questions. While we were in training we were taught about asking good questions. And then Jade and I are learning all about sentence structure and different types of sentences. (Mind you Jade's curriculum labels a question as an asking sentence though.)  So all this combined with the fact that most everything in our lives are completely uncertain and here I am. Finally blogging again.

So the difference between the question that I would like an answer for and the question that I am constantly trying to retrain my brain and heart to ask and my prayer this week has been: "Lord, help me to ask what and not why."

The "why's" don't take me far. Well they do take me far... but not in a direction I need and want to be headed. They carry me into self-pity, loneliness, anger, disappointment... Oh yeah. Those little fellas are down right nasty. I don't really learn anything from having a why mindset. Not a thing at all. My focus remains on the nastiness of the circumstance. A. Very. Bad. Place. To. Be.

The "what's" on the other hand... They leave me in the same place, but they like a Kutless song I love (What Faith Can Do) reveal to me that "you gotta face the clouds to find the silver lining". The "what's" find hope, purpose, and remind me of my passion for His will. 


  1. You're on my mind and heart often....praying for you. You have lots to fill your time but I would love to catch up.


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