my choice

Trusting God is a place of response.
Nicki Koziarz

Those words just keep screaming at me from my computer screen. I cannot control what is happening in my life. but. I. must. control. my. response. My response speaks measures of my level of trust in Him. He is sovereign and whether I respond with fear, anxiety, and grief or acceptance, peace and understanding it's my choice. And my choice is a glimpse of my vision of trust in Him. 

He doesn't change. He is forever good and loving. 

"Do you trust me?" I almost audibly hear His voice each time every new twist and turn happens. My mouth says yes and my heart is learning to say more and more: "thank you, Jesus, for this provision".

"When you see no present advantage, walk by faith and not by sight. Do God the honor to trust Him." Charles Spurgeon 


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