perfect harmony

Ever read something and then read it at a different time when you are under the exact same circumstances and all the sudden it says something new? #lightbulbmoment

"If a man or woman is called of God, it doesn’t matter how difficult the circumstances may be. God orchestrates every force at work for His purpose in the end. If you will agree with God’s purpose, He will bring not only your conscious level but also all the deeper levels of your life, which you yourself cannot reach, into perfect harmony."
Oswald Chambers

God has been orchestrating all around in, in me, through me... everywhere since the beginning of this journey to serve Him through missions. It used to seem that things just weren't happening the way they should, but the fact is they were, are and will continue to happen His way. Perfect until His purpose is fulfilled in the end.

I have wished that things would change and move faster, and all the while I was the one the most work was being done on. It has just been within the last two or so weeks that the Lord has slowly began to open my heart to what His work has been changing in me.

At first when I hadn't figured out what was happening to me I just felt sad. And I think that I should have a bit... or maybe it wouldn't be so real? Because you see I do believe that when you die to what you want and who you are it should hurt. When things don't go the way I want them to. When I don't "get" what I want... when I have to change me because my circumstances stay the same. When I learn thankfulness for things I have never been thankful for before... Yes, at first this all felt sad. See little pieces of me were dying each day. And in fact they still are. But my sadness revealed to me my selfishness.

I read this quote today by Charles Spurgeon and it makes more sense of what I am trying so hard to say I am figuring out:

"Your extremity is God’s opportunity. The difficulty all along has been to get to the end of you; for when a man gets to the end of himself, he has reached the beginning of God’s working.”

God's mercy has been so abundant through these past few months of partnership development... He has slowly brought this change to me. Very slowly. And OH SO DELICATELY.

So my light bulb moment is this: in these past few months of partnership development I feel like God has been working on me (those unconscious levels) as much as He has been on our partnership team. In the beginning building the partnership team was mostly about getting to PNG, and all along the way (with that purpose still in process) I have been the main project. My heart.

It's weird to see all these things coming together... almost even harder to try to put into words. But they are. Into perfect harmony.


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