these are a few of my favorite things
Quite frequently as I am throwing a lazy and very late dinner together I whisper prayers of thanks to God for the ability to do so. From what I hear, the normal things in life will become rather complicated to say the least in Papua New Guinea.
A few of my favorite things now are:
1. The ice-cold water dispenser. Cold, clean, and delicious water. Just. Like. That.
2. My mother-in-law's amazing front loader dryer. That thing can dry one million pairs of jeans in seconds. Okay, well not quite that many or quite that fast, but the darn thing is simply phenomenal.
3. Super-Walmart. Judge me if you must, but the place is right around the corner (literally) from where we live, and I can pop in and pop back out again with anything from garden shears to eye makeup.
4. Fast, cheap and unlimited internet access. For blogging. :)
5. Easy meals. I know I started with that one, but for a girl who hates, despises, and dislikes to cook (but loves, loves, loves to eat) this one deserves at least two slots.
6. Uninterrupted and almost unlimited times with my daughters. I have bonded with my babies like I never knew was possible. I have great kids. Great kids - that in a few years - some of will be a half a world away. *tear*
Quite frequently while I am whispering these small praises I am reminded that these "easy" days will also end. And then I praise Him again... I can't wait to "work" at a faster pace again too! And praise Him that this place that we are in (partnership development) will end. For now, tonight (while I wait on Taylor who is forever doing more school work to sleep) I praise God for His sweet and gentle reminders in these simple things. They keep me sane. For a little while at least, and they keep me blogging for your sanity. (Okay, so that was pushing it, but hey...)
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