
Today was Mother's Day 2011. We spent the day at our home church so that we could worship with Marty's momma and sister. Then we shared lunch with my momma and daddy. Then we were back to Marty's parents to spent one-on-one time with them. It was a busy day. Yesterday was busy too. Jaars day was awesome... anytime we get to share with others about Bible translation it is! I suppose that is another post though.

After a really busy week and crazy Saturday I wasn't reallllll keen on spending the day here and there and back again. But I HAD to spend time with the mothers in my life. Marty told me the choice was mine. I could choose to do whatever. It was my day. I chose my mothers. Really, who wouldn't have?!

Here is where I was headed though. The choice that I made for the day was mostly made because our family must live intentionally. We do not have any assurance for where we will be next year... no one does. Each day is God's provision. However, we are almost 100% certain that South Carolina will NOT be our home for very much longer. The ones that we love and hold dear in our lives will most likely still be here though. God is leading us away from this place. And in preparation for that we choose to make each day much more intentional. Especially big ones like today.

I think that this part of the preparation process is the most fulfilling part of this entire new life journey we are on. God is binding relationships and building new ones all over the place in our lives. But we are playing a huge part of that. Life is moving fast, but we are slowing down and making room for closer and intentioanl relationships.

Today was fabulous. I am tired, but my heart is overwhelming full. Full of images from the day. Worshiping with Marty's mom, sister, and her family. Seeing my niece in her piggy tails sitting at her Sunday school table. Watching my daddy try to blow out the flames on the grill. Hugging my momma so tight it almost hurt. Laughing at my daddy playing dress up with Jade, and listening to him and her read together on the couch. Sharing coffee with Marty's parents. Watching Marty and his dad look for clips of the Nascar race on the Internet together.

Living intentionally is hard work. I am wore slap out (that's a good southern term y'all). But without my effort to get up and be intentional I wouldn't have received the blessings from the day.

Now I am off to start a new week of partnership development... intentionally. :)


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