speculation? I think not.

Yesterday morning it cost me more than fifty dollars to fill my gas tank... it used to cost me about eighteen! I cringed as the numbers climbed higher and higher almost begging God to let it stop before the fifty dollar mark (just because that mark seemed like too much)! I know that y'all feel my pain, right? I also know there are some of y'all that will read this and wish that was all it took to fill your car!! Any ole how gas prices are insane!

So this morning I was listening to the radio and the commentators were discussing the gas prices. Surprise?! (I think not.) Everyone is talking about the price of gas... and nothing infuriates me more than the reason why we are paying so much. That is what the radio talk show hosts were discussing. Speculation. Yup. Speculation is why we are paying high prices... what if refineries have to slow down production? Oh my. Lets raise the prices! What if in 100 years we have to start using our own resources? Oh my. Lets raise the prices. What if this? What if that? Well then if that could possibly maybe happen sometime in the future then we should definitely prepare for it!! Of course this is a bit over simplified, but essentially this is what is happening...

We could turn blue in the face talking about what if's couldn't we?? All the speculation in the world won't get us anywhere will it? (We still have to pay whatever the cost maybe.) You wanna know what I know about speculation? I know it costs me lots extra at the pump! But even more importantly I know that the Bible doesn't speculation on ANYTHING. I love, love, love the positively affirmed assurances that are on every page of God's Word. No where in the Scriptures does it say God might do this... God might do that. No where. Praise Jesus! We serve a Lord that is. Was. And is to come. We serve a Lord that is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is. There is no guessing game in if God will love, show mercy, grace, forgiveness... He will. He is... He has.

And how will all this come to an end for us... not the gas prices! Everything? Life as we know it... Earth, human existence? The Bible tells us that one day He will return. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. He will reign forever... and every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. This promise is why our family wants to serve God through missions... the end of rising gas prices may not come to a halt until Christ's return... I don't know. But I do know that Christ will return. And when He does people from every nation, tribe, and language will be on their knees (mine included) worshiping Him in His presence... I want to give all that I have to take as many of those with me as possible. They deserve to know just as I know.

I am praising God this morning that He has given me and my family the opportunity to serve Him. I am praising God that He isn't wishy-washy, and that there is no speculation of Him. I am praising Him for the truth in His Word and that when He does return all peoples will be represented! Thank you Jesus.


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