new strength for my thankfulness

Those who trust in the Lord WILL
(no hesitation)
find NEW strength.
      They will soar high on wings like eagles.
   They will run and not grow weary.
      They will walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31

I am claiming this verse yet again. And again. And again. He promises when I believe that He will give me new strength. I don't feel so very strong though, and so I claim the words again. Will find new strength. For today. For this morning. For right now.

God never gives second best. He doesn't give just enough to get by. God doesn't give part but the whole. New. Strength. Exactly what I need. Exactly what you need. He is personal. Intimate with your heart. Intimate with mine.

He put me here because He knows best. He put me here because this will glorify Him. My part is to believe. My part is to thank Him. Glorify Him. Love Him. Honor Him.

It's important that I remind myself where I fit into all of this. This calling God has given me to serve Him. It's vital to my sanity. :) Psalm 50:14-15 was a fresh reminder to me what my place is in all of this.

Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God,
      and keep the vows you made to the Most High.
Then call on Me when you are in trouble,
      and I will rescue you,
      and you will give Me glory.

Notice - with me - that my part comes first. Make - that's my action - requires me showing, doing, living - thankfulness your sacrifice. And keep. Don't falter. Keep at it. Don't waver. Stay at it. Keep. That word says permanent to me... THEN. After I have been thankful. After. After I have kept at it. After. Not before. Do what He says first. Then He will do His part. He will rescue me.

And I claim His strength to be thankful. He gives me the strength to carry on. To trust and show it through my thankfulness.

I guess this means no pity party for Sara today. What a pleasure that is. I look forward to what the day holds because I will soar through it. He told me so.


  1. Yes, great reminder and once again put into beautifully written words that sink in deep. Was given a bit of perspective cousin (3 years older than me) was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 2 days ago and has been given 6 mo. to live. She has three kids who are a little older than each of mine. Really wrestling lately.....with your circumstances, other day to day circumstances & now hers. But, still knowing that God is good.



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