Proverbs 25:25

"Like cold water to a weary soul
   is good news"
Proverbs 25:25

Waiting on the Lord to make a way is by far the most agonizing place I have ever found myself in - ever.

It's hot here, and our air conditioning is still broken. So when God lead me to this verse this morning after I spent a lengthy time cleaning our home for the potential buyer's second look I thought it was no accident.

I can only find myself at peace in my solitude with Him in His Word or through surrounding myself with beautiful people that He has gifted my life with. And there. Or here rather. I continue to wait. Wait on Him to make a way... so that I can give Him the glory for which He is more than worthy...


  1. Murphy has moved in with us the past two weeks....but our AC is one of the things that is still working so I'll send it to you! I sure hope the warranty co & repairman get things straightened out soon! Geesh! Let me know how the 2nd visit goes. I'm praying that all the numbers will work out perfectly. Look @ all the details God has worked out already! Hang in there! Love you!


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